검색어 입력폼
조나단 스위프트
책소개 When Gulliver's Ship, The Antelope sinks in the Far East, he is forced to swim to the strange, miniature land of Lilliput, where he is held a prisoner! In order to escape, Gulliver must befriend and learn the language of the tiny people of Lilliput.
  • 걸리버여행기(영어 독후감)
    걸리버여행기(영어 독후감)
    Gulliver's Travels is a satirical novel published in 1762 by Jonathan Swift and consists of four parts. As the title indicates, it is about Gulliver's Travels. Gulliver is an English doctor. As a onboard doctor, he works in high-paying places and marries Mary. During the storm, Gulliver goes to a small country called Lilliput, where his people are only about 15 centimeters tall. He gets up all tied up. He can disconnect himself, but he waits.
    독후감/창작| 2024.09.12| 3 페이지| 1,000원| 조회(32)
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