There's something special about each season of the year, wherever we live in the world. Follow the children in this book as they discover and explore the unique character of spring, through indoor and outdoor play. Sensory, detailed and child-centred, this is the perfect introduction for young children to the cycles of the year.
I think spring is the most beautiful and joyful season in a year.
내 생각엔 봄이 일년중 가장 아름답고 즐거운 계절인 것 같다.
There are four season in korea, I like spring the best.
한국엔 사계절이 있고 난 봄을 가장 좋아한다.
In spring, Everything wake up from long sleep in winter and looks fresh and active.
봄엔 모든 것들이 겨울의 긴 잠에서 깨어나 생기있고 활기차 보인다.
That's the reason why.
그게 내가 좋아하는 이유다.