There it came. The performance report(?) the OO high school students had to do: book report. At first, I thought of the book 'Flowers for Algernon', or 'To Kill a Mockingbird', but the school didn't have those books. So I borrowed and read 'The adventures of Tom Sawyer', 'Black Beauty', which I expected to be fun. It was. But it didn't let me learn or feel anything so I just started to read (for about fifty times) 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.
Wondering the name Charlie Bucket came from the word a Bucket List, the list of wishes someone wants to achieve before death, I could not wait to see what is happening to those five children. I found out that the names whose the golden ticket owners are funny spoilers. Charlie Bucket wins the whole Chocolate Factory and escapes from starving−the Bucket List is completed. Augustus Gloop gets sticky with a bunch of chocolate.