현대 남성들의 특성과 심리를 고대 그리스 로마의 신들과 짝지어 분석했다. 제우스, 포세이돈, 하데스 ,아폴론, 헤르메스, 아레스, 헤파이스토스, 디오니소스. 이렇게 여덟 남신들을 의인화하고 유형화함으로써 복잡하고 다양한 남성들의 모습들을 살펴본다.
정신과 의사이자 융 심리학자인 지은이는...
I first came to know the Greek and Roman mythology during the time when <Greek and Roman mythology seen in comics> was popular among children. because the god was described and presented and the fact that they are fighting is interesting“ However, i raised a question why it is read widely. While reading the <Gods in Everyman>, this question has been resolved. The man has conscious and unconscious area. The area that consciousness is exposed is a culture and where unconscious region is exposed is a dream and myth.