번역서보다 더 잘 팔리는 영어원서, 뉴베리 컬렉션을 만나보자
전미 청소년 문학상과 뉴베리 메달을 받은『Holes』의 후속작
「뉴베리 컬렉션」의 일곱 번째 책 『Small Steps』는 20여 편이 넘는 아동 문학과 교육 도서로 미국에서뿐만 아니라 영국에서도 주요 문학상을 수상한 인기...
I felt that this book was different from Holes. In Holes, I didn’t think there were many emotional parts, because while reading, I wasn’t that moved. I just thought that it was a intriguing story with a stable storyline. However, in Small Steps, there were many moving parts. For example, the part that Armpit says that he doesn’t think Genie’s abnormal was very heart-warming.