올리버 트위스트 : OLIVER TWIST (영어 원서)WORLD CLASSIC READING BOOK(세계 고전문학 리딩북)1. '찰스 디킨스' 작가 탄생 202주년 기념판2. 영문학과 영미문학 필독서=== 작가 소개 ===* 찰스 디킨스CHARLES DICKENS (1812-1870) 영국 소설가.그는 특히 가난한 사람에 대한 깊은 동정을 보이고, 사회의 악습에 반격을...
1. Introduction : This book’s title is Oliver Twist. It is the second novel by British author Charles Dickens (1812-1870) and was first published in 1838.
2. Summary of Book : This book tells the turbulent life of an orphan boy named Oliver Twist, set in the back alleys of London in the 19th century when the Industrial Revolution took place. The book reveals poverty, a negative aspect of society, through Oliver's hopeless and depressing life. It is not a heavy story. It is an interesting and witty expression through the story.